Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hospital Bag

I did a lot of research to try and figure out what I needed in my hospital bag. I used the internet, my friends and some info from the hospital as well. I'll go ahead and share what you'll find in it and later I'll update with exactly how useful it ended up being lol

So this is my little set up! I have my packed bag and Boppy pillow in the bassinet in our bedroom. This is mainly because if I am not the one grabbing it, it will be easy to explain where it is. Not to mention, my phone charger is usually plugged in the wall right next to the bassinet and we can't forget that!!! In the only outside pocket of my bag you'll find my pre-admission paperwork, VIP parking pass and the packet of birthing positions they allow at my hospital.
On the inside, most everything is separated into baggies.
Personal Hygiene:

  • toothbrush and tooth paste
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • deodorant
  • lotion 
  • body wash and loofa 
  • hairspray (not everyone would need this, but I know I will)
  • face wipes
  • chapstick

Clothes for Mom:

  • some undies I don't mind destroying 
  • a tank top
  • nursing bra
  • a warm pair or socks and a comfy pair of socks
  • flip flops (for the shower)
  • lose sweatpants 
  • maternity robe (From My Growing Belly)
For baby: (I know I won'u use all of this, but its mainly 'just in case' stuff really)
  • one burp cloth
  • one receiving blanket
  • one 0-3 month onesie
  • 2 newborn onesies (the white one is hopefully for his name reveal) 
  • a newborn sized sleep sack thingy with little hand caps
  • two pairs of socks
  • two pairs of scratch gloves
  • one hat
"Other Stuff:" some of these things will be last minute additions so they aren't pictured. 
  • Verizon Tablet with charger
  • tin of bobby pins and hair bands
  • some wipes, for life's accidents lol 
  • my Nikon
  • phone charger 
  • one pillow
  • coconut oil
Of course I couldn't forget snacks for both my husband and I! They may feed me "well" at the hospital, but I like to have some of my favorites to choose from- that's of my husband doesn't eat them all haha 
 Of course you will want your infant seat to take your sweet baby home in, but I kind of figured that was a given. 
***You might be wondering why I didn't pack any diapers, pads, or anything like that. Well, the hospital we will be delivering at will provide us with sanitary pads, mesh undies, breast pads, dry wipes, diapers, lanolin, and a couple of other things! So, no need to bother bringing these things. Be sure to check with your hospital, but they should provide pretty much everything i listed.***

Is there anything YOU wish you'd packed that you didn't see in my bag? 


  1. GIRL, you have GOT to pack a nightgown. I ended up labouring in one, and then spent like all of my hospital time in them. My mom got me two, and I loved them. Pants shmants, I am NOT kidding. Go grab a big nightgown. Like the kind your grandma probably wears. You won't regret it. Otherwise this is a genius bag packing job. May I suggest a book for you or for hubby to read to you, or some headphones for music? And also make sure you have your birth plan on hand in case there are things you want to specify, for example NO BATHS. The nurses bathed my baby between the first and second times I saw her, I was pretty devastated. I did not want that but I forgot to write it down.

    1. Haha the pants are really just in case I get some wild hair and decide to wear them. I'm so not a pants kid of person unless i'm cold and those rooms are HOT. The gown from My Growing Belly is most likely what I'll live in since it's a more modest version of what I wear mostly every day at home. I did finally dig out some headphones! Nothing like rocking out to 90s pop to encourage baby out haha Ahh my birth plan. I had my midwife basically laugh in my face over it. ugh. Today I'll probably make it even more simple than it already is just to make sure my key points are there. She just kept telling me to "be open" (which I am, for the most part but not about that stinkin pacifier while we are there) and saying "oh well you'll just have to remind them," then why did you tell me to write this woman?! It was a bad experience to say the least.

  2. I would say this bag is perfect!! I failed to bring enough entertainment. We were so bored counting down the hours till we could leave. When you leave, take all of the diapers, pads, wipes, etc that they have in your room.

    1. I'll be taking anything I can! haha And probably asking for a little extra if I can get away with it.
