Monday, March 2, 2015

28-30 weeks

Goodness I almost forgot to add in about our second baby shower in Tennessee. In a later post, I will share all the great decorations I made. Anyway, it was so much fun! Although a small crowd, we had a great time and got tons of awesome stuff we really needed.

At exactly 28 weeks I had another prenatal appointment. This time I received the Tdap shot (which hurt like hell for a good week) and a belly support band. I swear that band fell straight from heaven!! My midwife said I was measuring well and that baby sounded great. She was very brief about my L&D visit while in Alabama. I did have a little OB follow-up with a different doctor after we got back to Tennessee, but it was pretty uneventful. Basically everyone just says lots and lots of water.
The next day I had to take the 3 hour glucose test. I had just barely failed my 1 hour the week before. Honestly, I found the 1 hour to be much more miserable than the 3 hour. I will say the orange drink I had the first time was way better than the fruit punch from the second time, yuck! In the end, I passed and that's what counts! So, I treated myself to a shopping trip. We took back our stack of gifts-to-return and purchased some much needed items for baby.
Crazy enough, the next week we got snowed in! About 8 inches of snow and a good solid inch of ice underneath kept us trapped at the house for almost the entire week. Finally our little world melted enough to get out and I was able to purchase the last few things we needed for baby! I even started some lists- what to include in my simple birth plan, what we have left to do before baby, and what all to pack in my hospital bag.

Then at 30w3d.....I visited the hospital again. Kidney troubles, again! This time I didn't wait for the visually bloody urine. The story is pretty crazy though. I called my clinic to see if they wanted to me to come in for an acute appointment or if I should go to L&D. They said L&D so away I went. When I finally made it up there, they called the women's clinic to "make sure" where I needed to be seen. Apparently they forgot about me calling and taking all of my info just 30min ago because they decided I needed to be seen in the ER instead. I was told sorry and pointed to the "easiest" way to make my way there. Lets be real though, there wasn't an easy way to get there. Because of  ongoing renovations, the only way to access the ER was from the outside (where it was effing freezing). Not to mention it was on the complete opposite side of the hospital and a floor down. Naturally, I bawled my eyes out the entire way there. I was in pain, angry at my clinic, angry they didn't offer to transport me there, and just generally frustrated. FINALLY made it there, gave them a urine sample and was put in one of the fancy new rooms. Well it was cold and lonely and I had no idea where the bathroom was- because ya know, 2 hours in this preggo had to go. Thankfully, this time around I packed a bag with deodorant, lotion, lots of snacks, water, a book, my tablet and chargers. About 3 hours of laying there, someone finally showed up to tell me my sample was basically awful, riddled with blood and crystals and there was a slight mention of proteins. It was then decided to send me BACK to L&D to be monitored on the NST. This time, they transported my butt there. My husband met me at the front desk and back we went. I was on the NST for about 20 minutes and the doctor came in to speak with me. She literally told me she was confused. She even insinuated my pain was simply ligament pain until I sat up to allow baby to crush my bladder and ureters- then she believed me. The only conclusion she seemed to come to was that I has been drinking too much milk lately and caused a calcium buildup which was coming out as crystals and causing me pain. She gave me antibiotics for a UTI (although it was never mentioned that I had one), told to flush my kidneys with water and cranberry juice and given a strainer to pee through. She then decided I needed to shot to the ass of morphine. They gave me no discharge papers and no instructions other than what I already stated. Soon after leaving, my vision blurred and I started feeling very very slow. Got home, ate some food, got really sleep, closed my eyes- instant nausea. A little later my whole body started itching. I wasn't able to fall asleep until the morphine wore off. It was awful. I never want that stupid shot again. Its not like it even made the pain go away, just caused more problems that I focused on rather than the pain. ugh.
I guess the doctor forgot to tell me to relax because the next day, Friday, I was out for my Oliver Garden date and the day after I had a photo shoot to do. The morning of the shoot my body was clearly telling me to relax and I didn't listen, atleast not until Sunday. Strict orders from my sister had me drinking lots of lemon water and unsweetened cranberry juice and relaxing, for the day anyway.

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