Monday, July 13, 2015

10 week update

Not too much has changed. We are still living day by day. It seems like the colic gets better and then back to crappy.
Last week we had 2 month immunizations. It was bad enough it was hot as satan's balls in there (which already had sensitive mister Eli upset) but then of course the doc kept pointing out all the ways Eli isn't like the babies she usually sees. He's super chunky, he nurses alllll the time, he wants to be held outward constantly, he wan'ts your attention constantly, his cry is loud as shit, etc. Yup, he's high maintenance! Thanks for the reminder, ma'am. Then came shots. Thank god my husband was there. I've never heard a more heartbreaking sound in my life. His cry could have easily broken glass and everyone in the building couldn't believe how low he was. I shook for a good 20min trying to calm him enough to nurse. The fact he got so upset he puked twice only made it worse. Luckily, he went to sleep soon after nursing. For the 48ish hours he was on Tylenol to keep his temperature at bay, he slept so well and was so happy when he was awake. Still needy, but mostly smiles. Of course once there was no need for the Tylenol, regular Eli returned.
I guess what would be a new developmental milestone is he is now super grabby! Now if I can just get him to grab toys and blankets instead of my skin and hair we will be in business.
I finally got the right snaps and made onesie extenders!!! They worked SO well that I ordered a bunch more make more lol My next DIY endeavor will be a panel cover for my mei tai.

So, tomorrow might just be a big day for me. Depending on how it goes I might do a midweek update, or just wait until next week. It all depends.

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