Monday, June 15, 2015

6 week update

Eli is growing so much and it has been a pretty eventful week. We are still battling colic, but the good days are really great. It seems like instead of an entire day being awful, just like half of it is haha Eli has successfully slept for a 4 hour stretch twice in the last week! My poor boobs felt like they were going to explode though. 
This week we also started cloth diapering!!! I honestly can't tell you how exciting this is for me. Our very first diaper leaked because I didn't have it in tight enough, oops. After that, I figured it out pretty well! My stash is small currently, but I ordered quite a few more so that we can hopefully transition into cloth full time! After everything is here I'll probably do a post about all of my cloth goodies!
People are still assholes. If it isn't my mother rudely telling me I get my guidelines on parenting from the internet, its my mother-in-law accusing me of letting my child suffer from an ear infection (that he doesn't have). I mean seriously, wtf is wrong with people? I just can't believe that I have to keep defending my parenting. I am trying to do things the way they were done before technology came in and ruined the natural processes of life. Women exclusively breastfed for eons. They didn't shoved mashed potatoes in their one-month-old's mouth because they were crying a bit more than usual. It seems my parents don't understand that technology moves faster than research. It takes a long time to see the effects of new technology on us. But i'm the idiot that gets all my "information" from the internet, not like I have suffered from being fed adult food during infancy (pernicious anemia began as a 7th grader). Frankly, the only time Eli has screamed inconsolably lately has been in his car seat. Even then we parking lot hop to let him comfort nurse or be held, anything to try and soothe him. I've really started to get the hang of soothing him at home. Besides the fact, he's a baby! He's going to want to be held and nurse and just be snuggled by us often. Its a big, new world out here. Why is that so hard for others to understand?  
Anyway, I'll be taking the last of my placenta pills today. I could cry, really. I feel like they have been so good to me. I'm almost scared to see what my body will do without them. 
I also have my 6 week post postpartum appointment this week. yuck. I know they are going to try and pressure me into a birth control I'm not comfortable with. It seems like I might just go with the mini pill and condoms or spermicide. The shot sounds convenient, but i'm not risking gaining weight over it. Also won't be inserting any plastic or copper thing in my who-ha. I may not want more kids right now, but I might eventually!  
Something else positive and exciting- I made a wrap to wear Eli in! I have a mei tai but he's not quite big enough to fit in it without something to prop his butt up better. So, until then, i'll be wearing him in his wrap! He seems to love it. If he isn't looking around at everything, he's asleep. 
I'm learning so much about him every day. I may really lose my patience and feel like motherhood is miserable when he's been screaming for an hour straight, but it ends. It ends and then here I am today looking at this little boy in awe. Over the passed we I feel like I've really found my connection with him that I was missing. I've learned how to soothe him (at home atleast) and I find myself almost jealous if he's sleeping somewhere other than with me when I have nothing else I need to do. 
I know I have A LOT more hard times to come, but I'm finding more enjoyment in the good times. And I seriously cannot wait for the colic to end so we have even more great times (and can leave the house without the public thinking i'm torturing my child). 

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