Monday, June 8, 2015

5 week update

Baby Eli is now 5 weeks old. I'm still hanging in there!
Eli will now spend some tie on his playnat "talking" to the toys. He's still eating every single hour during the day. I'm thinking he's hitting a growth spurt again because he's wanting to eat even more often than that! Talk about exhausting.
In this passed week I did purchase a swing off a local yardsale page for a whole $25 and boy was it worth it. My body had been aching from bouncing him around the house for hours. Right now that swing is helping me hold my sanity together since someone has no interest in sleeping last night. It seems every time we have company over he takes a nice nap or two and then doesn't sleep most of the night.
Speaking of company......
I know that I know what's best for my child and that it shouldn't let things bother me but good grief are people assholes. My dad tried to tell me over the phone Friday that "oh he can't be that bad! what you need to do is not keep him on that booby all the time! 5min is enough!" He also went on to tell me that I let him eat too often, that he can't just be on the boob for 14 years, he needs "real food"-pinto beans, mashed potatoes,steak juice, etc. This man was telling me to feed my 5 week old baby food that shouldn't touch his mouth for MANY more months. It was also somehow my fault that he couldn't soothe him. My little guy is just different and I know how to care for him. I am so over being told i'm doing things wrong or that I should do things different- especially when the advice is detrimental to his health!!!! And hell, its annoying to my face but even more annoying to hear it from another room while I'm trying to nurse Eli. People just have no boundaries and no tact. It was nice to hear my husband stick up for me though, and mention that I would literally effing lose it if he even got "real food" near my child. Guess who will never be alone with my child until he can talk?!
Okay, rant over.
Luckily this week there were some good days and very exceptional mornings! This means I was able to finally get some fabulous pictures of my handsome little man! (Take for example the photo at the top.)
Speaking of pictures.....I've basically given up on ever seeing his Fresh 48 photos from the hospital. The girl told me I'd have them a week ago and still nothing. So, I went ahead and ordered birth announcements with photos I took. I mean I waited a month, I wasn't waiting any longer to order them.

Well, back to nursing and diaper changing! Little man is singing the song of his people lol

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