Monday, June 1, 2015

4 Weeks Old

Lets start with last Tuesday.
I put Eli in his very first 0-3m onesie and it was pretty exciting. What wasn't so exciting was taking him to the doctor. Monday he has started running a temp of 99.5 and it hadn't gone away by morning so we decided it was best to go ahead and go to the doctor. While there, he started throwing quite the fit for food so when the doctor entered, we were nursing. This was a great opportunity for her to see/hear him nurse and observe him afterwords. She noticed how he is quite loud and even that he was sweating. We also talked about his fussiness and random vomiting. She seemed concerned with how often he was nursing and how much weight he'd gained. Born at 7lbs 1oz, he was now 8lbs 14oz! I was wondering why he was getting so heavy haha Well, it was determined that was is a high metabolism, high maintenance baby. He "worked" so hard eating he was sweating and burning calories and that made him want to eat more often, All of his gulping while eating was causing tummy troubles. Also that his vomiting was from cluster feeding very close together and overeating. Yes I said my breastfed baby is overeating. It's real people. She encouraged me to offer him a pacifier as much as possible and try to get him to nurse less often. Yea right, if he's hungry he sounds like i'm killing him until he gets food. End of story there. So, here we are....with colic.
Wednesday I had to take an early trip to the doctor. He started screaming as soon as we hit the gate to post, had a fit in the lobby, slept through my appointment then screamed most of the time in the pharmacy. There a rude old woman decided to make a huge deal about him being upset and it took all I had not to tell her if she'd hurry up I could feed him and he would be okay. So as soon as she was done I sat right down and nursed him. Then he screamed the whole way home. After that we both took a much needed nap.

Screamed all morning Thursday and wanted nothing to do with sleep unless it was on my chest. I walked 2 miles worth of circles around the house trying to soothe him.
Then there was Friday, our worst day yet. He screamed for an accumulated 10 hours, I literally cried my eyes out most of the day. I even had to miss my husbands promotion ceremony. All week we'd had plans to go to Target friday afternoon (since I didn't get to leave the house last weekend, grr.) I quickly saw these plans I had looked forward to for so long dwindling. When my husband came home I had a full on breakdown. Why wouldn't Eli quit screaming?! I had tried everything and yet he was still going strong. I put him down, said I was done, and walked outside to cry. When I came back in, Eli was asleep on my husband. How unfair. I decided at that moment I wasn't going to stay home and be miserable.  So I pumped, packed the diaper bag, got dressed and got us all in the car. Eli screamed the whole way to target. Then he had a poop explosion while we were there, followed by more screaming. So we left. Ran next door to Babies R Us where another screaming fit occurred but luckily they had a nursing room I could comfortably nurse him in then continue shopping. Although it was getting late, we needed to eat and Eli was asleep. So, we found a restaurant and got dinner. He did wake up as soon as food got to the table so I decided to just give him the bottle and eat while he ate. He went right back to sleep and didn't wake up for a good three hours.
Saturday we had family come in town. He was almost an angle all day. I nursed him before we left, once while we were out and again when we got back. But after he nursed while we were out, the fussiness began....and went into the night.
Sunday was eh. He let me wear him while we were out and slept the whole time. Yet again it was a pretty rough night, though. Then there is today....which has sucked. I had some errands to run. He screamed half of the way to the first stop but he had such a bad fit with his flailing hands, he managed to cut part of his mouth with a fingernail and was bleeding. Omg talk about feeling AWFUL. A few minutes of driving and he was asleep. So I went on to the next stop where he slept until we were leaving, so I gave him the bottle. Apparently that didn't help because 3min down the road I had to stop and nurse him to calm him down. Yet he still screamed half the way home. Rent will just have to get paid tomorrow. He fell asleep in my arms as soon as we got home and actually took a decent nap where I was finally able to eat. It's been all screams since. Seriously. Scream, nurse, happy for a minute, screams, soothed for a few minutes, screams, nurse, repeat.
My back is destroyed from constantly bouncing him and having to bend over and pick him up every few minutes. Pretty much on the brink of losing my sanity as well.
Advice is useless because I've either already tried it or can't afford it (aka a chiropractor). If I actually believed in the power of prayer, I'd ask for that, but I don't. So I just ask to keep us in your thoughts. Colic sucks but I keep being told he'll grow out of him.
The sweet little moments we share between the screams are what keep me going. Like today when he realized the pack of diapers made a noise if he hit it, so he cooed at it for a good 5 minutes.
I love my little stinkbug no matter now much he screams 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, having a colic baby is tough! I do not speak from experience however. Sounds like you are such a wonderful mama despite all the screaming. I would highly highly highly recommend talking with a La Leche League or going to a meeting for some help with the breastfeeding issues. It sounds to me like you have an oversupply (I do too), and it can cause a lot of problems but is also easily fixed. Look into block feeding and laid back breastfeeding!
