Two negative pregnancy tests later (over the course of a week or so), we were unexpectedly upset. It didn't take much discussion to decide that we were as ready as we were going to be and to go ahead and start trying to conceive. If anything the timing was pretty good, I had a pap scheduled for the very near future and that would give me the chance to speak with my physician about it. Now, this decision was much bigger than what's given at face value. There are some things I just don't feel are necessary to share, but they made this decision an emotional one.
I excitedly purchased some ovulation tests and downloaded the Ovia app for my iPhone. The Ovia app was amazing! You can input tons of data about previous periods and current symptoms. The program uses it to predict when you are likely most fertile during your cycle. I didn't have much info to input as my body did not seem to be ovulating properly, so we dove in pretty blind. I also took the "cheap" route when it came to ovulation tests because they all "seemed the same," and settled for the smelly prenatals my doctor gave me.
In August I decided to switch over to the Clearblue Digital Ovulation tests. The "cheapies" were so difficult to read! Later that month we got the smiley face!!!
Although I tested negative when I tested earlier than recommended, on August 25th we were positive!!! I already had it planned out how I wanted to tell my husband. I would go out and buy the Clearblue Digital Weeks Estimator, an orange laytex balloon and a pair of little baby shoes. I set it all up right inside the front door and waited (with my camera) for my husband to return home from work.
Needless to say, he was very happy but told me "I knew it had to be positive, you didn't seem to be in a bad mood today."
The next morning I walked into my doctor for a blood test to confirm and while they told me it was positive, the levels weren't high enough to refer me. So, about a week later I retested and was finally referred to women's health! ♥
➸Keep an eye out this week for the next post in my pregnancy series!
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