Friday, September 11, 2015

4 month update

I want to start off by apologizing for being so delayed on blogging. Eli needs my attention, I need sleep when I can get it, we've had lots of visitors, and so on. The best way to keep up with us (if you want) is through twitter! You'll find me at @the_MRSlife
Anyway, Eli is now a little over 4 months old and he's MASSIVE!
I'm talkin this 100% boobie baby is like....22lbs!!! His thighs, at their largest point, are about 10.5in around. He has more rolls than I can count, literally. He's teething and my word is it messy! So. Much. Drool. yuck. I did get crafty and make drool bibs! They have been super helpful.
It's amazing how much he's learned lately. He grabs everything, he's rolled around a little, figured out how to bounce in his exersaucer, plays with toys, tries to sit up, tries to crawl lol, babbles allllll the time (unless hes too busy chewing on his hands, and he even graduated to a big boy carseat! because he was bursting out of the infant carrier, poor thing. 

Still 100% breastfed (from the breast). A bottle is very very rare. Still loving cloth diapers! Only use like one disposable a night because i'm too darn tired to figure out snaps on cloth at midnight or 2am lol Also loving our cloth wipes and home made solution! His booty sure is loving it too. 
Recently we took part in a breastfeeding photoshoot and the photos are to die for!!! Huge thanks to Hayley Stell Photography! You can check her out on facebook, instagram or her website

I mentioned we had lots of visitors! My brother came and stayed with us for about a week and it was soooo amazing! The help was so great and the visiting was even better. Then my parents came and stayed a couple of days. They were pretty helpful and the visit was pretty good, for the most part. This weekend we have a visit from the in-laws coming up.
I've also been attending our local babywearing meetings and going to whatever I can to find like-minded women to make friends with. I would say its slowly working. If anything I am really enjoying it.
Lastly I'll give a little update on me. I've been taking the Zoloft for a while now and have seen some small improvement but I don't attribute it to the meds. I am going to ask to be referred out to see an actual psychiatrist and see if we can make more progress that way. The more "outside" interaction I can get really helps, well kind of anyway. 
Well, Eli is starting to sing the song of his people!  

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