Monday, April 27, 2015

39 Weeks

This passed week was pretty laid back. I've been drinking my Third Trimester Tea like its my job. I also went a little crazy baking last week as well, oops. Let me tell you, it was SO worth it though!!!

During the week I also visited a friend that had her little girl about a month ago! I can't get over how precious she is! No doubt she's gotten bigger, but she's still so small and precious. 
I spent a decent bit of time perfecting a couple of blog posts for the future, just so I don't fall off the grid and get to share some pretty awesome things with you guys before I forget haha Also this week my husband and I have just been trying to enjoy our time together. Lots of Netflix on the couch, some nice weekend cuddles too. He's apparently been 'afraid' to try and cuddle me because he doesn't want to hurt me lol but really I know he just finds it super freaky how baby ALWAYS kicks him. 
This week my facial (and body) brush came in! It wasn't until this morning that I was able to find the cleanser I hope to use with it, but I did try it out twice before then. I hope to do a little review on the brush and the cleanser after I've had time to really see how well it all does or does not work. I will say i'm insanely excited about it! Lord know I need help tackling everything pregnancy acne has done to my poor body.
What might possibly be the most exciting thing in the passed week is that yesterday (Sunday) I started having contractions. Not just the braxton hicks i've had for weeks. These were real. My whole pelvis hurt but the majority of the "pain" was located in my sacrum and was the worst during these contractions. For almost two hours they came about 8 minutes apart then began to slow down. Then they just started coming all over the place then again patterned out at about 10min apart. I was able to get to sleep pretty easily. I probably only got up 3 times to pee and and went straight back into REM sleep as soon as I got back in bed. I was thinking this would make for a well rested mama in the morning! No. I felt like I got hit by a train when I rolled out of bed to feed the cat at 7:30 (30min later than he's used too, oops). I never even heard my husbands alarms go off! I just happened to crack my eyes to see him close the bedroom door before I was out again. So, this morning I had myself a cup of coffee with breakfast to get me moving. It did the trick! Talk about feeling productive! I had already planned to get out and pick up a few things, as well as walk as much as I could. I'll probably do some more baking today as well. I'm not having the uncomfortable contractions from yesterday but hopeful they will return (with enough encouragement).
All else fails, I see the doctor tomorrow and hopefully they will have some sort of news as to if we are making any progress or not. Lord knows I am already SO very tired of people texting me asking is baby is here yet and telling ME to tell baby to hurry up and come already. It takes all I have not to go off. I think that's the fault of the hormones. I seriously had 5 people ask me Saturday and another on Sunday before it was even 9am! What is up with that!!!! I get being excited but did they forget I am the one carrying this baby and if anyone is the most excited its me?! IDK. I just find it terribly annoying. It's one thing to ask how I am and voice their excitement, but its another to make me feel like i'm not doing something right because baby isn't here yet (he's not even due yet!!!). *sigh*
As for the rest of this week, I'll be sharing my hospital bag with you Wednesday! My mom will be graduating the first big portion of Warrant Officer School Wednesday as well. No news on if that means she will want to come straight up here even if baby isn't here yet. Tomorrow I should have all the parts here for my breast pump. Not that I plan to use it much at all, but having everything for it will make me feel better juuuuust in case. I thought about revising my birth plan and simplifying it even more- just in case my husband needs to reference it. We've talked about it all and he seems to be retaining all that info pretty well.  Then of course there's always the chance he might not be there and it would be pretty good for a friend to reference as well.
How could I forget to mention that I'm basically eating everything in sight?! The thought of impending labor and not being able to eat after being admitted has my cravings on steroids haha No chocolate or fruit is safe!!! or cream soda. Man I forgot how good that stuff is! Entirely too much sugar, but very very tasty.


  1. I love how people think you have any control over when that baby wants to come out lol! Yes I remember those constant texts and calls checking up on you nearing the end of pregnancy. Mine would usually come when I was trying to take a nap! Sounds like you're almost there, so close to having your little one arrive so exciting!

    1. Haha right?! I do tend to get texts RIGHT as i'm falling asleep. I already keep my phone on vibrate most of the time but I see completely silent mode in the near future. But, everyday is one step closer and we couldn't be more excited! :)

  2. How exciting that things are starting to come to an end! Your little one will be in your arms before you know it!

  3. I totally did that the last month of pregnancy, I ate everything in sight! So exciting you will see your little one so very soon!!

    1. Haha that makes me feel a little better! I've seen some people really focus on eating better in preparation for breastfeeding but I just can't say no to the cereal and chocolate haha Luckily most of my cravings are oatmeal muffins and fruit, decently healthy!

  4. You should read up a bit on prodromal labor, especially if contractions continue for days. It will help settle your mind and let your body trust when it is ready for birth! You can do this! Lots of positive thoughts your way!
