Monday, March 30, 2015

35 Weeks

Today's photo features my favorite sweatpants lol 

I know I gave a little bit of a midweek update, but there is always more to be said!
This passed week has been full of very big baby movements! Everything I read and hear tells me that he should be slowing down, but not this little guy. He's active seemingly all day. I've been able to capture a few great videos to share and save.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Oh, Pregnancy.

Tuesday night was one of the hardest nights of this pregnancy (so far). I could even say it might have been worse than the three day contractions fiasco.

Monday, March 23, 2015

34 Weeks

My goodness has is been crazy these last two weeks since I did a bump update. I've been having braxton hick's contractions here and there since maybe 28 weeks, but recently they have picked up to 20+ some days! There were a few days last week that I thought little man had a plan of his own and would be coming early!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

DIY Baby Shower: Part II

As I mentioned in my post 28-30 Weeks, we had a little baby shower here in Tennessee too. Yet again I planned the entire thing and all of my decorations were DIY masterpieces! I have to apologize again for the lack of decent pictures. You would think that for a photographer I would get better photos to share but the chaos just took over. So please bare with me!!
This shower was a laid back, co-ed cookout theme.

Monday, March 16, 2015

DIY Baby Shower: Part I

As I mentioned in my post The Second Trimester, I had a baby shower at about 27 weeks back home in Alabama. I made most everything myself! I designed the invite, made all of the decorations and made one of the games as well! My DIY approach saved SO much money! I choose to throw my on shower since I was planning it from about three hours away and didn't really have anyone back home to do it for me (not that had the time to, atleast). So saving money was essential.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

32 Weeks

While I actually hit 32 weeks yesterday, there was entirely too much going on to post an update. Mondays can be so harsh sometimes. What did actually go well was my doctors appointment. I just adore my midwife, she's fantastic!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

DIY Burp Cloths

My mother-in-law is an avid quilter and made some burp cloths as a gift for me. This gave me the idea to make some as a gift for a very special friend of mine. Now, they are no where near perfect, but they sure are cute!
I stated out by making a pattern from a giftbag I had handy (lol) then using it to trace out and cut my fabric. For fabric I used a printed snuggle flannel and then a regular solid color flannel. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

28-30 weeks

Goodness I almost forgot to add in about our second baby shower in Tennessee. In a later post, I will share all the great decorations I made. Anyway, it was so much fun! Although a small crowd, we had a great time and got tons of awesome stuff we really needed.