Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A journey to answers

***I originally posted most of this last week but some information needed to be updated, so I sent it back to drafts until I was able to properly update.***

My entire life, all I've ever wanted was to be a mother.
I finally got my wish......and's pretty miserable.
I've struggled with anxiety and depression for about 9 years, but what has taken over my life is a bit more intense than anything I've experienced prior.

Monday, July 13, 2015

10 week update

Not too much has changed. We are still living day by day. It seems like the colic gets better and then back to crappy.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sam's Club Snacks

I've always loved both Sam's Club and Costco, but here in Clarksville we only have Sam's. In the passed, I would say, year it appears Sam's has started carrying more healthy and GMO free options. Now, I used to be pretty darn healthy and fit. That sort of ended when we moved and then of course pregnancy cravings were hardly ever healthy. Well now I would like to get back to being a bit healthier. Some things I will probably never give up, but a little at a time is better than no change at all.

Monday, July 6, 2015

9 week update

It's been exactly a week since we saw lactation again and almost a week since our awful pediatrician visit. I checked online and it looks like we will be seen at the same clinic this week BUT we'll be seeing a different doctor YAY! Here's to hoping this one is better. Then I get to call Tricare and have his PCM changed.